Winter has arrived in full force...
But... although Old Man Winter is painting a frigid scene outside...
I am enjoying the beauty of it all from my warm cozy home.
I am secretly... well, maybe NOT so secretly hoping the storm continues through the night...
Perhaps causing school to be canceled tomorrow.
In the meantime...
It's too bad this isn't "smellevision"...
Cuz there are some yummy smells wafting through this warm, cozy house...
It's a GREAT BIG pot of soup...
I'm not sure what kind...
It has about everything I could find around the kitchen in it...
I guess I will call it - Cheesy broccoli beer cheese chicken noodle potato soup...
A long name...
But - if I do say so myself...
Quite delicious...
Not exactly low-cal...
But why ruin a perfectly nice, snowy, soup-making, wintery day by worrying about that!
I think I am going to have to disturb the sweet, snoring beagle that is sleeping at my feet to go get a bowl of CBBCCNP soup.
I hope you are all warm and cozy...
Eating something yummy.
And do me a favor, will ya?
Do the snow dance for me...
Tomorrow would be a great day to stay safely snuggled up at home.
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